Doreen Wennberg
A Harvest of Blessings
Thursday, November 16, 2023 by Doreen Wennberg
I grew up with four seasons and didn’t realize how much I missed them until moving to the North GA Mountains. There’s a fresh newness, an anticipation of the next thing to come. Of the four seasons during the year—Autumn—with its brilliant array of colors, is my favorite.
Farmers anticipate and hope for a beautiful bounty of produce during harvest time. To me, farmers are the epitome of faith and patience. It takes both—plus—a lot of hard work to keep from having a crop failure. But when the crop is plentiful and harvested—many thanks are given.
“The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.” ~Psalm 85:12
Just as the farmer waits for the seeds he planted to grow into a mature crop, we also wait—and watch for the seeds of faith we’ve sown to grow and yield a plentiful harvest.
In this season, as we celebrate the abundance that God’s hand provides, what specific things will you thank God for? What prayers has he answered? How have you seen him working in your life and in those you pray for?
Tell of All His Wondrous Works
“Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his name’ let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!” ~Psalm105:1-3
The Psalmist recounts the many ways the LORD showed his faithfulness to the descendants of Abraham, the children of Jacob, his chosen ones. He then lists the wondrous works, miracles, and judgments God pronounced—and the covenant God made to Abraham and his sworn promise to Issac. God confirmed to Jacob and the people of Israel an everlasting covenant to give the land of Canaan as their inheritance. The psalm recounts God’s faithfulness during Israel’s enslavement in Egypt and his many mighty acts of judgment through plagues on their oppressors. God delivered Israel from Egypt in their great exodus and led them in the desert as he fed them bread from heaven. God remembered his holy promise to Abraham and brought his people out with joy and singing. Praise the LORD! (Psalm 105: 5 – 45).
What harvest of blessings can you recount from your own life?
- How have you seen God’s faithfulness during this past year?
- In what ways has God provided for you and your family?
- Have you experienced the mighty works of his hand in your own life or the life of a loved one?
- How has God delivered you or those you love?
- What oppressive thoughts, people, or situations has God delivered you from?
- Have you or someone you’ve prayed for received Salvation through Christ?
God is so faithful! He deserves our highest praise. Will you take a moment, now, and again with others on Thanksgiving Day— to recount the many ways of God’s goodness and faithfulness you have received from him?
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.” ~Psalm 136:1
How deep your love is for us, that you would give your only Son to pay the ransom for our sin. We offer you our heartfelt love and praise on this day and acknowledge your great faithfulness to us throughout this year.
Over and over, you have comforted, provided for our needs, and delivered us from countless things, seen and unseen. You are the giver of all good gifts. You are always at work to accomplish your will in our lives and your plan for man-kind. May you be glorified as your people sing your praises because you are so worthy of all glory, honor, and praise! ~In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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