Doreen Wennberg

Bouncing Back
Friday, September 27, 2024 by Doreen Wennberg

Some seasons in life are busier than others! I just came through a 6-month learning curve season, and let’s just say – you can’t do everything during one of those! Sometimes, God may call us to lay aside something good, to make it better.

Spring & summer were the perfect time to have this extended time away, and yet, God in His goodness still enabled vacation time with my husband and visits with my 3 Grands! Family time is and always will be important!

When I realized my weekly writing spot had to simmer on the back burner, I grieved it some, but I knew I couldn’t do both – that is not until God nudged me! I got the green light, to come back slow, and get back in the groove.

With preparation for the Revelation study in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and training in the OT (online trainer) role behind me—I can ease myself back to my writing spot.

Bouncing back and adding one more thing to a moving rhythm is easier said than done, but I am trusting God’s perfect provision and timing. It may not be weekly, but He’ll get me there again.

Moving forward, my heart for encouraging faith, sharing my journey in eating Plant-based whole food, and equipping the next generation hasn’t changed.

Looking around the culture landscape as I traveled this past summer, I was hyper-aware of these three things in our society.

  • All people need encouragement.
  • Many people are addicted to food, overweight, or deal with some type of chronic health issue.
  • Many kids need firmer discipline and lack teaching in the foundational knowledge of the Christian faith.

I thought of my theme for this website, Fruit of the Vine: Growing Faith, Food, and Families, and made a mental note to mark my calendar to return in the Fall.

Do I have all of the answers—no! Can I encourage and share what I have learned—yes! So this month I will start here, and next month I’ll do a food post followed by a kid post. smiley


Growing Faith and Encouraging Words

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11a

Standing on the sidelines gives many opportunities to observe people at their best and worst moments.

No matter what country we live in there is political turmoil, increased crime, skyrocketing inflation, and more negative news than we care to take in. The corruption of society has taken more than its toll on many. People are burnt out, angry, rude, depressed, fed up—and need encouragement!

While waiting for a flight, I sat off to the side scrolling on my phone aware of a family across the way dealing with weary children. I watched the interaction and was reminded how often my own children were soothed by hugs and encouraging words.

And the Father does that for His children too! When I am weary—I’ve always found great comfort and encouragement in God’s Word. He knows our struggles, the desires of our hearts, and how to spur us on when we need it. When we step out and allow Him to stretch us, He will always use it to grow our faith.

Is there anything that you started and stopped for whatever reason? Is God calling you back to finish what you started?

How are you encouraged to continue running the race God has set before you? Who in your life needs an encouraging word?

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 1:6 ESV



Thank you for the encouragement and comfort of your word and for bringing the good work that you began in us to completion. You always know what we need before we need it. Thank you for helping us with all of the things that you call us to do. ~In Jesus Name. Amen,




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Annamarea From At 9/27/2024 6:03:08 PM

Reading your blog was perfect timing, as I've had to take a step back from my busy daily schedule due to health. Feeling stronger, praise God for his healing. Be well, friend??

Reply by: Doreen Wennberg

Yes, God's timing is always perfect! And glad you are feeling stronger, praying that continues! I am well my friend thank you!

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