Doreen Wennberg

Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 9, 2025 by Doreen Wennberg

Happy 2025! The first week of the New Year is already history. I hope you are off to a great start!

2024 was a turbulent year—no matter what country you live in! But here we are in 2025. What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

As we transition to another year, it always brings intentions of doing something new or starting over which we often call do-overs or second chances.

The new year also brings self-evaluation and the desire to improve, and increase at something—relationally, spiritually, or with our health.

Thankfully, God gives us many chances to get it right.

Improve and Increase

Where do you desire to improve and increase in your life this year?

Is it your health, spiritual life, or relationships? Maybe it’s your prayer life.

No matter where it is, improving and increasing takes effort!

James 1:4 reminds us that Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

God continues to grow our character to bring us to spiritual maturity in Christ. Pressure may cause us to react in anger, impatience, or doubt. But the quality of remaining steadfast under pressure conveys mature faith.

We’ve all probably witnessed someone remain calm under pressure, and likewise, we’ve probably witnessed someone fail miserably—perhaps more than once so have we.

It’s not about pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps to do better next time. That’s the world’s way. It’s about turning wholeheartedly to God, acknowledging our failures, confessing our sins, repenting, and asking His forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

  • The mature believer knows their need of God.
  • The mature believer evaluates their faults and failures and seeks to grow and improve.

But some though they’re professing believers, need to be retaught the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. They need milk, not solid food (Hebrews 5:12-14). Which are you?


Whether mature in the faith or needing to relearn the basics—we all need to keep growing. We’ve all heard it said, if we put God first, everything else falls into place. It’s a principle that’s so true! Our spiritual and prayer life (the time we spend with God through prayer and Bible study) is essential to victory in the other areas of our lives. Why do I say that, because a weak believer will give into temptation quicker or more often than one who has been strengthened by reading and applying God’s Word and the power of prayer.

What areas might you still be struggling to improve and increase?

Remember increase in any area doesn’t just happen. We have to plan for it.

  • Plan to increase from five to ten minutes in prayer each morning.
  • Plan to increase your Bible reading/study from ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Plan out healthy meals, increase healthy foods, and decrease processed foods.
  • Plan out a daily exercise routine, and increase it gradually.
  • Plan to increase communication, involvement, or quality time spent in a relationship.

Beginning Again

I’m so thankful the new year encourages a fresh start!

Perhaps, like me, after putting away all your holiday décor, you tackled clearing out drawers, the fridge, freezer, and pantry! It feels good to clear out clutter, and it helps us move forward.

Wherever you find yourself needing a fresh start, remember God will help you move forward when you commit your plans to Him (Proverbs 16:3).


Thank you for this new year and another fresh start. Help us to begin again in whatever way that looks for us. Help us to increase the time we spend with you, and show us what we need to decrease so that we can do that. Enable us to commit all of our plans to you. Grow us in every area so that we can be useful servants to further your kingdom.

~In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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